A Broch Tsu Dayn Lebn
It is my personal opinion that many people profited from the disaster that befell the city of New Orleans last year. To those people who profited from the suffering of many you are scum and I am sure your mothers would be proud. Also the politicians and wannabes that use the before mentioned suffering to further your own selfish goals same goes to you. Curses going out to Jesse Jackson whom I Recently saw on some news program bemoaning the plight of Hurricane Katrina survivors. When my National Guard Unit was called up and sent to the big easy I don’t recall him making any stops or photo Ops to check to see if the people needed any help. Neither he nor any of the so called African American leaders who belittle the response of the US Government to aid those in need of the disaster. The Feds are only to step in once the state calls for aid (aren’t states rights a bitch) Then there were those charlatans and scoundrels that profited from the suffering of others. It is my sincere hope that you discover what misery truly means. A Broch Tsu Dayn Lebn there one Yiddish curse from me to you. Where was Jesse proud to be black Jackson and his righteous indignation when the police of Gretna refused to let evacuees cross the bridge to walk to the naval air station to be evacuated? I am thinking scared white people cowering in fear; a curse on them as well. The mayor of Gretna would later claim there were no busses waiting for the people but that was an outright lie. My unit stood bye waiting to process the evacuees. Later as we moved into the city to restore order the only crooks we found were wearing badges many of them from out of state. Our sudden appearance in the garden district caused many a lawman a brief moment of terror. We Infantrymen tend to be stealthy when we need to be. Our very presence calmed a disturbed area, many of the people that were out and about looking for either loot or trouble faded into the background and once again became law abiding citizens funny what a bunch of Oklahomans armed to the teeth can accomplish. Again Jesse was strangely absent from all of the patrols as my company walked through the flooded section of N.O. could it have been the lack of cameras that kept the hope of black Americans away. Not that the voice of black equality would not have much to gain by hanging around a bunch of white soldiers from Oklahoma. But then again not all of us are white; we are white black yellow brown and red; what good is an Infantry company from Indian Territory without at least an Indian, oh and toss in a Jew to balance out the ethnic potluck. To bad Jesse check my sound bite Jackson was AWOL he might have learned a thing or two about selfless devotion to this Nation. But maybe he can help mayor Nagin build his chocolate New Orleans; that is of course if they can figure out what to do with all the illegal aliens that flooded (no pun intended) into the city to rebuild the big sleazy and taking jobs away from deserving African Americans.
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