Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Meet jamie the pet hero

Many former pets mainly dogs that were left behind when there owners fled New Orleans had to adapt to the sudden disappearance of their care givers. Fido has no food so what does he do he re learns to hunt and scavenge. This was one our biggest concerns, being bitten by a dog who has been chewing on deceased residents of the big easy. Our R.O.E rules of engagement were simple if a canine charges toward you put it down as quickly as possible but ensuring that no civilians are injured, cant go shooting our own countrymen now can we. The first few weeks we encountered dozens of such animals that were incredibly aggressive. After the infamous 6th ward dog slaughter we were instructed to carry riot batons to strike the dogs with. Most of us thought this was stupid; as the army and the guard especially is image conscious. What grunt wants to be seen on CNN or some other News program clubbing a canine to death? Not I said the little camouflage hen. I will say that the fine folks with PETA made a huge impact by dropping and tearing open bags of pet found for mans best friend. We also encountered Jamie she took in and feed an enormous amount of cats. She also introduced us to Cajun cuisine, but no matter hard you try jambalaya cannot be made kosher. What’s a Jew to do? Violate the heck out of kashrus law that’s what.

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