Financing and education
There's been a lot of talk lately about the high cost of education and increasing levels of student debt. With all the fuss, you would expect that lucky high school seniors receive a bill with their acceptance letters for the expensive educations they are about to pursue. Undoubtedly, this is the case for some students. But for most of us, our plunge into student debt is much slower and more insidious. Like drug dealers, the loans start small and cheap, lulling students into a false sense of security where they can focus on their studies – for a while. By the time the full effects of debt creep in, it is too late.
Why is no one discussing the exponentially increasing cost of eduction?
Why are people worried about the loans students are incurring without worrying why the cost is increasing?
Mominem, you sure have been asking a lot of good questions lately. I don't have a good answer for this one.
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