Saturday, August 12, 2006


The web presence for Afghanistan claims to be the friendliest place
On the planet. I often wonder who actually writes this stuff. I am going to tell you about one of my NCOs Sgt.French and his dealings with what we infantrymen call Pouges. Pouge is a slang term used for a person who is not an infantryman person other than grunt. One of the tools used by soldiers in the camp is a powerful camera mounted on a large pole; this piece of equipment can view areas out side the camp for great distances it can also be used to look inside the compound. The Troops often Refer to this as the fuck Joe cam, instead of using this device to find hajj when he is up to mischief. Some of pouge officers would use it to spy on troops and report if they are doing anything they aren’t' supposed to be doing. One day Sgt. French was running the cam and was asked by an officer why he was looking outside of the compound, to this the Sergeant replies the enemy is on the other side of the wire sir. This illustrates a disturbing trend, officers that are more worried about troops with their hands in their pockets or not in uniform than finding the guerillas that are spreading violence across Afghanistan.

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